Many immigrant women work very hard, in fact, more than twice as hard as their counterparts yet they remain unsatisfied with the level and pace of success they have.
That was me when I went back to corporate after 10 years as a stay-at-home mom. I bought into the narrative that I needed to prove myself over and over again to get promotions and recognition.
I neglected my family, pouring myself into work, and I worked hard - really hard. I made some progress toward my desired goals, but it was very marginal and unfortunately at the expense of my family, health, and other things that mattered most to me.
After a few years, I looked around me and noticed that this was the journey of many other immigrant & underrepresented women and that was when I realized I needed to get off the hamster’s wheel and take charge of my life's trajectory and success journey!
The reality is that you already have all you need to become successful and achieve your dream - it's simply that you need some help to focus and pull out those tools you are already endowed with!
The good news is ...There's a formula that when applied, cuts the waste of money, time & energy in getting to your transformation and success. It's as simple as these steps:
- Identify your Immigrant Advantage and use it effectively!
- Strategically position yourself for Visibility and Value recognition!
- Nail your Personal Brand and Sharpen your Voice and Impact!
Are you ready to learn?